canine physical therapy
We are excited to be part of the community of animal care providers in Nebraska! We hope you've already had a chance to experience the profound value of CANINE PHYSICAL THERAPY and REHAB, but if our services are new to you, please take a look at the flyer below to learn how we can help you provide additional value to your clients and their pets.
In Nebraska, qualified physical therapists are eligible to be licensed by the Department of Health and Human Services, upon recommendation by the Board of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, to provide animal therapy in accordance with the state veterinary practice act. A licensed animal therapist may provide health care therapy in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth by the department (referenced and linked below). We adhere to all regulations established by the department in relation to the practice of animal therapy.
Reference: Nebraska Administrative Code, Title 172, Chapter 182
Submit a letter of referral for health care therapy prior to the patient's first PT appointment.
You can do this via online submission found above.
Referral must include a veterinary medical diagnosis and evaluation documentation that was performed no more than 90 days preceding the PT evaluation.
Limit treatment to the specific diagnosis identified by the referring veterinarian.
Provide a copy of the physical therapy evaluation and plan of care.
Provide a monthly health care therapy report, except in months in which therapy is not performed.
Maintain records for a period of three years from the most recent contact with the client.
Are you curious about our services? Are you wondering how animal physical therapy treatment works? If so, we are happy to set up a time for an in-service to discuss what we do and how we can help you and your patients.
If you are interested in our in-service, please email to set up a time for us to stop by.